Tuesday, January 16, 2007

conservative compassion

A little late to post, but as I was listening to some MLK speeches that were played on student radio yesterday, I was reminded that despite his current universal canonization he was a political leader as well as a civil rights leader, and took some pretty strong "leftist" views, from opposition to the Vietnam war to active agitation for labor rights (he was supporting a garbage workers' strike when he was assassinated in Memphis).

Like duh, dude. But that's why it's galling to me when contemporary conservatives appropriate him. I mean, weren't they screaming that Rev. King was a dirty commie not so long ago? Weren't they the ones yelling about states' rights being more important than human beings? Who was supporting apartheid until its collapse? Liberals?

I have my problems with leftists. They can hold naive dualistic views, sometimes also leading them to support dictators for ideological reasons. But dammit, like they say in Latin America, the heart is on the left. If you care about human beings suffering, you act, maybe through naive government intervention or inefficient labor unions, rather than saying that tax cuts and the free market will cure all ills. Conservatives can be useful as a counterweight sometimes, but damn, they never missed an opportunity to oppose morally imperative changes.

Dr. King was a conservative, in the same land where Iraq is a shiny happy place, and global warming is caused by liberals hating America.


jfaberuiuc said...

Two links of interest: the first is to the text of a National Review article about integration and democracy, via the fantastic Brad DeLong. Not exactly the most progressive bunch at NR, are they? Look in his archives for more goodness from the wacky wingnuts at NR about Martin Luther King (hint: they weren't fans).

As to the Librarian situation, I think the ALA was probably wrong, but you might want to try a more balanced take. Pitt University has a page with links to Hentoff's articles and some counterarguments, adding a bit of complexity to the whole affair.

Oh, one more problem; According to Dinesh D'Souza, the Iraq war was caused by Arab anger at America-hating liberals (yes, he makes that exact argument, and he might argue that global warming will make the world a shiny happy place). Get your liberal-bashing straight!

alexis said...

global warming caused by... hahahaha!


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