Sunday, December 17, 2006

The inaugural

Vanity of vanities, all blogging is vanity.

Jfaber and I are two old friends, separated by space and smoothed by time, aiming to add our own vocals to the symphony of the blogosphere. While our motivations are mostly egotistically graphomaniacal, we intend our writing to be entertaining, enlightening, and emotionally resonant with the unwashed masses. And that means all of you.

Besides charming manners, we are in possession of vast scientific knowledge, a modest interest in literature, film (advantage: jfaber), music (advantage: dkon), every imaginable variety of sports (all jfaber), Russian language and idiosynchrasies (all dkon), and a proclivity for amateur philosophizing and politicking. Our hope is that these disparate flavors organically meld into a unique and appetizing cuisine, so that pajama-clad keyboard bangers across the internetted world will grow tired of typing, "rooted cosmopolitans is teh bomb", and just say RCITB, prompting the inevitable backlash, followed by the anti-backlash, and finally, the merciful break-up due to creative differences.

And the world will live as one.


AlexM said...

Its now official.
I am the last person in America with out a blog.

jfaberuiuc said...

That's not true. It turns out that a small fraction of the Amish and Mennonites in America also don't have blogs, along with scattered nonagenarians whose nursing homes have slow dialup connections...

Anonymous said...

and the few of us who prefer to leave our droppings in the blogs of others lest we ever become truly housebroken.


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